Monday, May 26, 2008

CaMp TrIp DoWn MeMoRiAl LaNe...

My family has a yearly tradition of going camping on Memorial Weekend. This year we were so bummed when my dad was threatening to cancel due to the weather conditions. Somehow we talked him into just moving it down South where the weather was supposed to be better. So for the first time we went South and we had a blast, but we did miss my family members that were unable to come (some due to a late pregnancy and others that didn't want to drive that far). Our camping trip included, lots and lots of 4-wheeling, exploring ghost towns, hiking through Goblin Valley, exploring mines, and arrow head hunting. The best was the scary stories around the camp fire with the kids, we had them so scared that they were crying (you have to realize they love it, they ask us to do it every year). We told stories of the green eyed cat as me and my brother took 2 flash lites up on the mountain and shined them through a green shirt as he made cat sounds. They were scared out of their minds, but they couldn't stop talking about it the next day. Cade took his dad's dirt bike up and everyone had a blast on it. Cade wrecked pretty hard (luckily he and the bike were both ok thanks to his helmet and all his protective gear). I saw the whole thing and it scared me to death so I'm glad he is ok. To sum it up it was an adventerous weekend and one that we will never forget. Here are a few pics and there will be more to come...

We found this awesome mine that went pretty far back, it was pretty interesting.

This is my brother Jared on the top of this huge rock. He climbed up it not thinking about how he would get back down. Luckily he didn't get hurt but it made him a little nervous.

Maisey is just enjoying being outside (we had to keep her in her chair when she was outside because she wanted to eat all the rocks and dirt).

This is Cade the first day we were there (he was really happy to be there)!

This is me, my nephew Gavin, and my brother Jason.

This is the inside of an abandoned house we found, kinda cool...

This is the outside...

This is an old abandoned car that was left with the house...


Anonymous said...

Kelsey, your blog is fantastic. I'm so glad that you had a such a great time in southern Utah. I missed you. Love ya, Mom

Darbee said...

Looks like you guys had a fun trip. I'm glad Cade's okay, after crashing so hard. What a bonehead! :-) Can't wait to see you guys soon.